سه‌شنبه، آبان ۲۰، ۱۳۸۲

تعطيل !!
حدوداً يک هفته تعطيلم :) قرار شد شنبه نريم کلاس.. خوب الکي واسه خودمون خوشيم! يا بهتره بگم بقيه خوش هستن.. دبيرستان هم من اين جوري نبودم! فکر کنم بدترين دانشجوهايي هستيم که اين دانشکده تو عمرش ديده.. از راهنمايي هم رله تره.. خيلي بَچگونه شايد بهتره بگم.. بگذريم!
پ.ن. البته دوشنبه mid. داريم..
پ.پ.ن. ادامه ي قبلي؛ نظري، پيشنهادي.. واسه دومين؟!

اول يه mail که تقريباً 2 هفته پيش واسه م فرستاده شده بود اما من امروز به همه ي e.mail ها جواب دادم و ديدمش.. subjectش هست «Torks» !!

?How do you make a Tork laugh on Saturday
.Tell him a joke on Wednesday

؟Why did the Tork stare at an orange juice can for 2 hours
Because it said 'concentrate'

؟How do you keep a Tork busy forever
.Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper

؟Why can't Tork make ice cubes
.They always forget the recipe

؟How did the Tork try to kill the bird
.He threw it off a cliff

؟Why did 18 Tork go to a movie
Because "below 18" was not allowed !!!

؟What do you call a Tork in an institution of higher learning
.A visitor

.A Tork ordered an extra large pizza
.The clerk asked if he should cut it in 6 or 12 pieces
"Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces."

؟Tork #1: "Have you ever read Shakespeare
؟ Tork #2: "No, who wrote it

؟What about the Tork's wife who gave birth to twins
Her husband is out looking for the other man.

؟Tork: "Excuse me sir, what time is it
MAN: "It's 3:15."
Tork: (puzzled look on his face) "You know, it's the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer."