خودمو اول از همه
بعدش يه سري از آدم ها (يا شبه آدم هاي آدم نما) رُ
شايد هم زندگي رُ ..البته اگه بشه.
تا قبل از اعلام نتايج مي خوام يه کم اين جا نباشم..
- تو با نامي نو ناميده خواهي شد
كه بر زبان خداوند جاري خواهد شد.
همچنان كه تو تاجي از افتخار بر دست خداوند خواهي بود،
و نيم تاج شاهي در دست خداوند خود،
تو ديگر ” مطرود“ خوانده نخواهي شد،
اما تو حفظي باه (Hephzibah) ناميده خواهي شد
زيرا كه خداوند در تو مشعوف خواهد بود،
و سرزمين تو عروس خواهد شد.“
"Everyone knows that the lives of clouds are very active, but very short," writes Bruno Ferrero. And that brings us to another story:
A young cloud was born in the middle of a great storm in the Mediterranean Sea. But it hardly had time to grow there; a strong wind pushed all the clouds towards Africa.
As soon as they arrived on the continent, the climate changed: a warm sun shone in the sky, and down below the golden sand of the Sahara desert spread into the distance. The wind continued to push them towards the forests in the south, since it hardly ever rains in the desert.
However, just as it is with young people, so with young clouds: this one decided to break away from its parents and older friends, to see the world.
- What are you doing? - complained the wind. - The entire desert is exactly the same! Come back to the group, and let's go to the center of Africa, where there are beautiful mountains and trees!
But the young cloud, a rebel by nature, did not obey; little by little, it lowered its altitude, until it was able to float on a gentle, generous breeze down near the golden sands. After wandering all over the place, it noticed that one of the dunes was smiling at it.
It was because the dune was also young, recently formed by the wind which had just passed. Straight away, the cloud fell in love with its golden hair.
- Good morning - said the cloud. - What is it like living down there?
- I have the company of the other dunes, the sun, the wind, and the caravans which pass by from time to time. Sometimes it is very hot, but it is bearable. And what is living up there like?
- There is also the wind and the sun, but the advantage is, I can wander across the sky and get to know everything.
- For me life is short - said the dune. - When the wind returns from the forests, I will disappear.
- And does that make you sad?
- It gives me the impression that I am of no use to anyone.
- I feel the same way. As soon as another wind comes, I will go south and become rain; however, that's my destiny.
The dune hesitated for a moment, before saying:
- Did you know that, down here in the desert, we call the rain Paradise?
- I didn't know I could become something so important - said the proud cloud.
- I've heard several legends told by old dunes. They say that, after the rain, we are covered in herbs and flowers. But I'd never know what that is like, for in the desert it only rains very rarely.
This time it was the cloud which hesitated. But then it started to smile joyfully:
- If you like, I can cover you with rain. Although I've only just arrived, I am in love with you, and would like to stay here forever.
- When I first saw you up in the sky, I too fell in love - said the dune. - but if you turn your lovely white hair into rain, you will die.
- Love never dies - said the dune. - It transforms; and I want to show you Paradise.
And so it began to caress the dune with droplets; they remained together like this for a long time, until a rainbow appeared.
The next day, the small dune was covered in flowers. Other clouds passing towards central Africa, thought that must be part of the forest they were searching for, and poured down more rain. Twenty years later, the dune had become an oasis, which refreshed travelers under the shade of its trees.
And all because, one day, a loving cloud hadn't been afraid to give up its life in the name of love.
A young cloud was born in the middle of a great storm in the Mediterranean Sea. But it hardly had time to grow there; a strong wind pushed all the clouds towards Africa.
As soon as they arrived on the continent, the climate changed: a warm sun shone in the sky, and down below the golden sand of the Sahara desert spread into the distance. The wind continued to push them towards the forests in the south, since it hardly ever rains in the desert.
However, just as it is with young people, so with young clouds: this one decided to break away from its parents and older friends, to see the world.
- What are you doing? - complained the wind. - The entire desert is exactly the same! Come back to the group, and let's go to the center of Africa, where there are beautiful mountains and trees!
But the young cloud, a rebel by nature, did not obey; little by little, it lowered its altitude, until it was able to float on a gentle, generous breeze down near the golden sands. After wandering all over the place, it noticed that one of the dunes was smiling at it.
It was because the dune was also young, recently formed by the wind which had just passed. Straight away, the cloud fell in love with its golden hair.
- Good morning - said the cloud. - What is it like living down there?
- I have the company of the other dunes, the sun, the wind, and the caravans which pass by from time to time. Sometimes it is very hot, but it is bearable. And what is living up there like?
- There is also the wind and the sun, but the advantage is, I can wander across the sky and get to know everything.
- For me life is short - said the dune. - When the wind returns from the forests, I will disappear.
- And does that make you sad?
- It gives me the impression that I am of no use to anyone.
- I feel the same way. As soon as another wind comes, I will go south and become rain; however, that's my destiny.
The dune hesitated for a moment, before saying:
- Did you know that, down here in the desert, we call the rain Paradise?
- I didn't know I could become something so important - said the proud cloud.
- I've heard several legends told by old dunes. They say that, after the rain, we are covered in herbs and flowers. But I'd never know what that is like, for in the desert it only rains very rarely.
This time it was the cloud which hesitated. But then it started to smile joyfully:
- If you like, I can cover you with rain. Although I've only just arrived, I am in love with you, and would like to stay here forever.
- When I first saw you up in the sky, I too fell in love - said the dune. - but if you turn your lovely white hair into rain, you will die.
- Love never dies - said the dune. - It transforms; and I want to show you Paradise.
And so it began to caress the dune with droplets; they remained together like this for a long time, until a rainbow appeared.
The next day, the small dune was covered in flowers. Other clouds passing towards central Africa, thought that must be part of the forest they were searching for, and poured down more rain. Twenty years later, the dune had become an oasis, which refreshed travelers under the shade of its trees.
And all because, one day, a loving cloud hadn't been afraid to give up its life in the name of love.
اين هم ترجمه ي فارسي ش:
برنوفررو مي نويسد: "همه مي دانند که زندگي ابرها بسيار پر تحرک است، و اما بسيار کوتاه!"
ابر جواني در ميانِ طوفانِ عظيمي بر فراز درياي مديترانه به دنيا آمد. اما فرصتي براي رشد در آن منطقه نيافت؛ بادِ عظيمي تمام ابرها را به سوي افريقا راند. همين که له قاره ي افريقا رسيدند آب و هوا عوض شد: آفتاب تندي در آسمان مي درخشيد. و در زير، شن هاي خشکِ صحرا ديده مي شد. باد آن ها را به سوي جنگل هاي جنوب راند؛ در صحرا هيچ باراني نمي باريد.
بنابراين ابر جوان هم مثل انسان هاي جوان تصميم گرفت از پدران و دوستانِ پيرترش جدا شود و به کشفِ جهان بپردازد.
باد اعتراض کرد: "چه کار مي کني؟ صحرا همه جا يک شکل است! به گروه برگرد تا به مرکز افريقا برويم. آن جا کوه ها و درختانِ زيبايي وجود دارد." اما ابر جوان و عاصي، توجهي نکرد. کم کم ارتفاعش را کم کرد، تا سرانجام نزديکِ تپه هاي شني، پشتِ نسيم ملايمي نشست. پس از مدتِ درازي، متوجه شد که يکي از تپه ها به او مي خندد.
تپه هم جوان بود. باد تازه آن را شکل داده بود. همان جا، ابر عاشقِ تپه شد.
- "روز به خير، زندگي در آن پايين چه طور است؟"
- "با تپه هاي ديگر، خورشيد، باد و کاروان هايي هم صحبت ايم که هر از گاهي از اين جا مي گذرند. گاهي خيلي گرمم مي شود اما تحمل مي کنم. زندگي در آن بالا چه طور است؟"
- "اين جا هم باد و خورشيد کنار ماست. اما حُسن ش اين است که مي توانيم در آسمان بگردم و با چيزهاي زيادي آشنا بشوم."
تپه گفت: "زندگي من کوتاه است. وقتي که باد از جنگل برگردد ناپديد مي شوم."
- "حالا غمگيني؟"
- "حس مي کنم به هيچ دردي نمي خورم."
- "من هم همين احساس را دارم. باد جديد که بيايد، مرا به جنوب مي راند و باران مي شوم. به هر حال، سرنوشتم همين است."
تپه لحظه اي مکث کرد و بعد گفت: "مي داني که اين جا، در بيابان، به باران مي گوييم بهشت؟"
ابر با غرور گفت: "نمي دانم مي توان به چيزي به اين مهمي تبديل شوم يا نه"
- "از تپه هاي پير افسانه هاي زيادي شنيده ام. مي گويند که بعد از باران، گياه و درخت ما را مي پوشاند. اما هيچ وقت نفهميده ام اين يعني چه. در بيابان، باران خيلي کم مي بارد."
اين بار ابر مکث کرد، اما خيلي زود دوباره خنديد: "اگر بخواهي مي توانم باران بر سرت بريزم. همين که رسيدم، عاشقت شدم و دلم مي خواهد هميشه کنارت بمانم."
تپه گفت: "وقتي براي اولين بار تو را در آسمان ديدم، من هم عاشقت شدم. اما اگر موهاي زيبا و سفيدت را به باران تبديل کني، مي ميري."
ابر گفت: "عشق هرگز نمي ميرد. دگرديسي مي يابد؛ مي خواهم بهشت را نشانت بدهم."
و با قطره هاي ريز باران، شروع کرد به نوازش تپه؛ زمانِ درازي به همين شکل ماند، تا اين که رنگين کمان ظاهر شد. روز بعد، تپه ي کوچک از گل پوشيده شده بود. ابرهاي ديگري که از آن جا مي گذشتند، ديدند که آن جا، جنگلِ کوچکي به وجود آمده، و آن ها هم بر تپه باريدند. بيست سال بعد، آن تپه واحه اي شده بود که با سايه ي درختانش، مسافران را پناه مي داد.
و همه ي اين ها به خاطرِ اين بود که روزي، ابري عاشق، نترسيد و زندگي ش را فداي عشق کرد.
مي دوني؟ من سفر با اتوبوس، تو شب رُ خيلي دوست دارم. خصوصاً اگه مهتابي باشه اون شب.. نمي دونم چرا ولي يه جورايي ديوونه ي ماه هستم.. معمولاً عادت دارم شب ها تا دير وقت بيدار باشم و صبح بخوابم (مثلاً ديشب 7:30 صبح خوابيدم) واسه همين هم شب هايي که تو راه باشم، يه جورايي بهم خيلي خوش مي گذره. تا 9 و 10 شب که اصولاً همه بيدارن و دارن فيلم مي بينن و غيره. از 10 و 11 کم کم بقيه مي خوابن، چراغا خاموش مي شه و اگه بخواي کتاب بخوني بايد به نور ضعيفِ قرمز رنگ و دست اندازهاي جاده عادت داشته باشي (که من دارم!) ..عظمتِ کوه ها؛ وسعتِ دشتي که ازش رد مي شيم.. و اگه ماه هم باشه که ديگه آخ جون!
ولي اين بار جداً نمي دونم قراره چه کار کنم.. نه نامه اي در کاره که بنويسم (نوشته هاي خصوصي! يادته؟) نه کتابي که... و نه کسي که.. گرم ياد آوري يا نه، من از يادت نمي کاهم؛ تو را من چشم در راهم..
مي دونم.. اين هم مي گذره.. مثلِ همه ي چيزهاي ديگه..
ديشب داشتم واسه يه نفر کامنت مي ذاشتم که چشمم دوباره به اين جمله خورد:
آره، دوستي «تا» نداره ولي تو تا زنده اي نسبت به چيزهايي که اهلي کرده اي، مسئولي. تو مسئولِ گُلِ ت يي. شهريار کوچولو براي آن که يادش بماند تکرار کرد: من مسئولِ گُلم م..